Sunday, December 6, 2020

Kin Camell ll 's Jesus (Yoshua Ben Yosef) and The Adulterer


Much Gratitude.
Ken Camell ll 12/5/2020 Hum 6 Prof Sabsevary Jesus and The Adulteress A group of Pharisees and Jewsish men wanted to kill (stone to death) a woman for allegedly having an affair (adultery). After the group of men chased and cornered the woman they were prepared to throw rocks at her until one of them asked their master (Jesus) what they should do with her. Jesus responds by saying "He among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." And the group of men suddenly dropped the rocks realizing the error in their actions and they left the woman alone. Jesus then asked the woman, "where are your accusers , is there anyone here who condemned you ?" To which the woman simply responded , "No one." Jesus replied with some words of reaffirmation stating," Then neither do I condemn you" ending the conversation by suggesting that she," Go and sin no more." This is a demonstration of God's forgiveness and Salvation plus this story displays the concept of free will since Jesus did not tell the woman she better not sin or I forbid you to sin , he nearly made a suggestion to, "Go and sin no more". Jesus didn't say that there will be no consequences if you sin and he didn't say that if you sin again I won't forgive you again. This lesson left a strong impression provoking me to ask myself Who am I to judge and convict you and furthermore who are we (human beings) to utilize the death penalty or birth control ? I dont have the answers I just know I am grateful that I had the chance to find the origins of "he who is without sin, let him throw the first stone since I've heard that phrase throughout my life without knowing the context nor the backstory so much gratitude for including the video in this weeks assignment. Ice Cube has a song entitled "Check Yo Self Before You Wreck Yo Self" and that song title reminds me of Jesus and The Adulteress since you are more inclined to walk the righteous path without condemning (judging) other people so, don't throw any stones because we (humans) all some self improvement to work on.
KENNETH CAMELL II Dec 5 at 9:25am

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