Sunday, July 21, 2019

Prison = Not Livin

2. What are some of the ways that mass incarceration affects men and women differently?
Women's prison need to have more cameras installed to document and prevent the sexual abuse that has become common place.  American Civil Liberties Union gathered data via the  smart justice campaign and the prison policy initiative. The data revealed  5% of the world's women population reside in the U.S however 30% of the world's women prison population are locked up in the U.S. Some other staggering statistics regarding women in prison include ; 80 percent of women inmates are mothers, 60% of women inmates have not been convicted and are awaiting trial and 25% of women inmates are serving time for nonviolent drug charges.  According to a recent report published by CNN women incarcerated in Arizona had to legally fight the State in order to obtain more sanitary napkins. The female inmates were allowed to receive 12 sanitary napkins and were forced to buy extras from the commissary/prison store. The incarcerated women in Arizona received significant media attention which resulted in The State of Arizona passing a new bill. This new legislation increased the amount of sanitary napkins female inmates receive so instead of only getting 12 now they get 36.

3. Why do you think police officers are more likely to conduct drug raids in low-income, black neighborhoods than in wealthier, primarily white neighborhoods?
Since U.S prisons and detention centers  have replaced slave plantations chattel slavery has been converted into the U.S. prison labor pool. Prison labor is a multi billion dollar industry and some of the worlds most popular companies profit handsomely from the fruit of inmates labor. Therefore police raids are more inclined to take place in highly melanated neighborhoods. Plus poor people generally can not afford to pay for legal services so they take a plea deal regardless of being innocent or not.
Ps  Whether its training see n eye dogs for the blind or manufacturing bullet proof vests for the U.S Military, prison inmates are the empidimy of an underappreciated workforce. It's imperative for consumers to stop patronizing companies that benefit from prison labor because as long as we continue to spend money on their goods and services we are supporting thier unjust business practices . At the end of the day as consumers we the people poses the power to bring attention to these greedy companies espeacially since inmates are prohibited from joining labor unions. We can be the catalyst for change, if we choose to do so.

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