Born at Merrit Hospital(Oakland,Ca) on . To summarize things, Kin was living in Oakland for 12 years, then moved to Marin County(next to San Quentin Prison) in which, he resided for 9 years and even spent a year in Anchorage,AK(Cali Summers and Alaska Winters, far from typical!). In the winter of 2005, Kin returned to Oakland. Within his twenty-six years he has seen great things and met some wonderful people. On the flip side he has seen some foul things and foul beings, and even done some out of bounds s!t himself(sometimes we are living contradictions). What happen yesterday makes us who we are today, that's if you are able to learn from previous trial and errors(Kin is learning everyday!). Kin sends a special Thank You, to all the positive and negative influences,you all enabled him to be who he is today and he's appreciative for that! Through out Kin's life music has served as a medium and a vice to vibe with other human beings.The only things that are universal on this planet are; Math,Smiles/Joy,Frowns/Pain and Music!